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Result format

The request returns a ResultList containing Products in JSON or LD-JSON format. The tables below describe the RDF schema of the resulting data. The schema is based on, denoted as schema:Class, and custom classes are denoted theca:Class.


All images are served from our CDN in a standardized size. Images are resized, but they keep the original aspect ratio. For example, a product image of size 400x200px width and height will be resized to size 512x256px (keeping the aspect ratio 2:1). They are in a JPEG, PNG, or WebP format depending on your configuration.


The objects returned in the search result are all of a specified type as described below. The primitive type literals include Integer, Float, and Text. Other types include: Enum is a string from a pre-defined set of values and List is a JSON array literal with a specified type.


Prices are always given in Text to preserve currency specific number of decimals.


The root type of the search request. The main contents are placed in the itemListElement, which will include up to the specified k number of elements. The score of each item relative to the query is included in the itemScore in the same position, i.e. the score of the first item will be in the first position in the itemScore list. The score list is placed separately from the items in the ResultList because it is relative to each query rather than intrinsic to the item.

itemListElementList of ProductProducts that are relevant to the search string.
nextText?URL to next search query result, if available. See pagination for more information.
itemScoreList of FloatScore of each item in the itemListElement relative to the query.
queryDurationIntegerTime spent in milliseconds by the server to process the request.

This is a custom type extending with itemScore and queryDuration.


nameTextThe name of the product.
imageImageObject?Extracted from the first image or logo URL. The size will 512px, the thumbnail will be 256px.
descriptionText?Text description of the product. Extracted from description, slogan, disambiguatingDescription, or alternateName †.
brandBrand?Extracted from brand or manufacturer †.
offersOffer or AggregateOfferOffers of the product with price, URL, availability, etc. Product variants found in model is merged into this as separate Offers.
aggregateRatingAggregateRating?Normalized and aggregated rating of the product. Extracted from aggregateRating or review lists †.
mpnText?Manufacturer Part Number (MPN). MPNs are specific to each manufacturer/brand and does not follow any particular standard.
gtinText?Validated Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) according to the GS1 standard. Extracted from gtin, gtin14, gtin13, gtin12, gtin8, or isbn (ISBN-10 is converted to GTIN compliant ISBN-13) †.
productIDText?Non-standard product identifier that's not a SKU or GTIN.

† The first valid property of the target’s data will be used.


urlTextURL to large image. For product images it will be 512px and for organization and brand logos it will be 192px.
thumbnailTextURL to smaller image. The original thumbnail will be used if available, otherwise it will be automatically converted from the larger image. For product images it will be 256px and for organization and brand logos it will be 96px.


nameText?Name of the brand. Not guaranteed to be equivalent across targets.
urlText?URL of the brand. Can be either an internal or external link depending on targets.
logoImageObject?URL to 192px icon image, the thumbnail will be 96px. Note that, there is usually no consistent format for these images since they can be used in different contexts across targets.


urlTextURL to a targets’ product page where the product is sold.
sellerOrganizationURL to landing page and display name of the target where the offer is extracted from.
priceText?Price of the product as reported by the target. Automatic currency conversion is not supported. If price is included, then priceCurrency will also always be included. The price is formatted according to the ISO 4217 standard. That is, as a decimal number with a fixed number of decimals decided by the currency. Currency codes and symbols will be removed. No thousands separator or whitespace is used. For example, the value "4,999 kr" extracted from a target will be formatted as "4999.00".
priceCurrencyText?The currency of the offer. This will be a value from the ISO 4217 format. For example, SEK for Swedish krona. Note that, price and priceCurrency can also be extracted from priceSpecification.
availabilityEnum?Availability of the product, one of: BackOrder, Discontinued, InStock, InStoreOnly, LimitedAvailability, OnlineOnly, OutOfStock, PreOrder, PreSale, SoldOut.
itemConditionEnum?Condition of the product, one of: DamagedCondition, NewCondition, RefurbishedCondition, UsedCondition.
categoryList? of CategoryCodeThe product category in the target's category taxonomy.
nameText?Overridden Product name of this offer, present only in case it differs from the parent Product.
imageImageObject?Overridden Product image of this offer, present only in case it differs from the parent Product.
skuText?Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). Note that, sku is placed with Offer rather than Product because it is internal to each seller.
mpnText?Overridden Product mpn of this offer, present only in case it differs from the parent Product.
gtinText?Overridden Product gtin of this offer, present only in case it differs from the parent Product.
productIDText?Overridden Product productID of this offer, present only in case it differs from the parent Product.


Represents multiple Offers joined by deduplication or by there being multiple variants.

offersList of OfferWill always be more than one. It can be from different sellers or there can be multiple offers from the same, if for example, there is a used one offered at a lower price than a new one.
highPriceText?Highest price of the offers list †.
lowPriceText?Lowest price of the offers list †.
priceCurrencyText?Price currency of the highPrice and lowPrice properties†.

† These properties will only be included if there are well-formed prices that have the same priceCurrency.


nameTextName of the node in the category tree. If no name is given but an URL is present, then the name will be extracted automatically from the URL.
urlText?URL to the listed category page.


nameTextName of the organization.
urlTextRoot-path URL of the organization.
logoImageObject?URL to 192px icon image, the thumbnail will be 96px.

This is identical to Brand but the name and url will be configured rather than extracted from crawling.


ratingValueFloatNormalized and aggregated score of the product as rated by users. This only uses the values reported by targets, Theca does not support rating products. The minimum and maximum value is normalized to 1 and 5, respectively.
ratingCountIntegerNumber of ratings that the ratingValue is based on.

Example requests​

Minimal JSON Request​

Theca-Client-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "Product",
"name": "Product 1",
"image": {
"url": "<internal>",
"thumbnail": "<internal>"
"offers": {
"@type": "Offer",
"url": "<internal>",
"seller": {
"name": "Theca"
"itemScore": [
"queryDuration": 101

Theca-Client-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Accept: application/ld+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"@context": "",
"@type": "ItemList",
"itemListElement": [
"@context": "",
"@type": "Product",
"name": "Sample Product",
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "<internal>",
"thumbnail": "<internal>"
"description": "This is a sample product for demonstration purposes.",
"brand": {
"@type": "Brand",
"name": "Sample Brand",
"url": "<internal>",
"logo": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "<internal>",
"thumbnail": "<internal>"
"offers": {
"@type": "AggregateOffer",
"offers": [
"@type": "Offer",
"url": "<internal>",
"seller": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Sample Seller",
"url": "<internal>",
"logo": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "<internal>",
"thumbnail": "<internal>"
"price": "99.99",
"priceCurrency": "SEK",
"availability": "InStock",
"itemCondition": "NewCondition",
"category": [
"@type": "CategoryCode",
"name": "Stuff",
"url": "<internal>"
"@type": "CategoryCode",
"name": "Sample",
"url": "<internal>"
"name": "Variant 1",
"sku": "SKU-1"
"@type": "Offer",
"url": "<internal>",
"seller": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Sample Seller",
"url": "<internal>",
"logo": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "<internal>",
"thumbnail": "<internal>"
"price": "89.99",
"priceCurrency": "SEK",
"availability": "",
"itemCondition": "",
"category": [
"@type": "CategoryCode",
"name": "Stuff",
"url": "<internal>"
"@type": "CategoryCode",
"name": "Sample",
"url": "<internal>"
"name": "Variant 2",
"sku": "SKU-2",
"mpn": "MPN1234-2",
"gtin": "23456781"
"highPrice": "89.99",
"lowPrice": "99.99",
"priceCurrency": "SEK"
"aggregateRating": {
"@type": "AggregateRating",
"ratingValue": 4.5,
"ratingCount": 100
"mpn": "MPN1234",
"gtin": "12345670"