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Implementation recommendations

This section offers tips on how to best use Theca's ad services with your local search engine. We will keep updating these recommendations regularly.


When using Theca to supplement a local search engine result page with ads from a Theca network we might run into a situation where products are duplicated between the two result pages. This would result in a poor user experience. We recommend to call the local search engine first and remove those results from your Theca results using our API. How to implement it:

  1. Make requests to the local product search engine first.
  2. Collect the SKUs or GTINs that you want to remove from the Theca search results.
  3. Add these to the filterSku or filterGtin query parameter.

Sorting results (WIP)

Additional sorting of the results based on various business rules is supported but not yet part of the official API. Contact us for more information.

In the future there will be a possibility to steer the sorting of items on a per-request basis.