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Hello there! 👋

Welcome to our home of documentation. We are here to learn you all the ins and outs of this thing we call Theca.


This documentation site is a work in progress. Please bookmark this website and check back every once and a while.


This is what we mean when we say...

Client - you, our customers.

User - end users who perform search queries.

Sources - from where the search query is performed.

Targets - where data is collected from and traffic is sent to.

Cluster - a group of collaborative websites who sign up for sending (source) and/or receiving traffic (target) to/from each other.

Network - a group of clusters that are administrated under the same account.

Theca - the software based service for creation and management of Theca networks and exchange of traffic between sources and targets.

Theca Systems - the company that supplies and maintains Theca and Theca networks.